I love my homeschool friends

So this morning I scanned back over some of my earlier posts from when I first began blogging, and then again while going through life changes. Moving to Gainesville and leaving institutional church. Leaving organic church and moving to Kansas City. Have a several procedures this year, including removing my thyroid. I was diagnosed with […]

The kids learn anyway

Yesterday went just how I though it would. The doctor is sending me to a pulmonology Dr. and an endocrinologist for my lungs and throat. I have a multinodular thyroid, which means lots of lumps, with one being bigger than the others. It’s small, 1.9 x 2.2 cm, but solid. We’ll know more after the ultrasound next week. […]

what I hope to teach them…

Went to the doctor yesterday and he is did some tests and is sending me for a CT scan, so I don’t know much more than I did yesterday, although I do feel a sense of relief. I don’t know why. I just feel some peace today. I wonder if it’s God giving me a […]

Acceptance of one another

So many times the Lord has taken me to a new level. Of knowing Him, of connecting with Him, and in my freedom with Him. It’s a really exciting time in a Christian’s life, when we move forward in our journey with Him. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming and I forget that very […]

It’s not about the box, or the idea. Life is about People.

Snowday! This morning we woke up to heavy blankets of snow covering every inch of every surface outside. As I opened the front door to let my little one out I noticed the family Christmas newsletter we put a lot of time and money into got a little damp. I hope they are not ruined […]